Here are the psychic abilities and methods :


Divination - Using the Pendulum

Of all the divination tools, the pendulum in its various forms is the most common and easiest to use.
However do not underestimate its usefulness and power.
When all else fails, your pendulum will help you find both the right questions as well as providing the answers.
You may have heard of 'dowsing' the sex.* of an unborn child with a wedding ring on a piece of cotton - this is exactly what we are talking about.
*(Circular for girls, back and forth for boys).
The pendulum consists of a weight on a piece of thread no more than 30cm (1 foot) long. Everybody has their own preference of what to use for the weight, a gold ring being very popular.
In fact many people call this procedure - "asking the ring".
Some people prefer a small mounted crystal, but keep the weight down for a better response.
An advantage of using a crystal for divination is that it does not tend to twist and spin on the thread.
A little experimentation will sort out what works best for you.
The preferred length of thread and the size and type of the weight are your personal preferences.
Once you have your pendulum, you need to find what the response of the pendulum is going to be for you. It is different for each of us.
The usual three responses are :
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don't Know (maybe)
In answer to each of these question, the pendulum will either :
  • Swing in a clockwise circle
  • Swing in an anti clockwise circle
  • Swing from side to side
  • Swing back and forth
  • Remain stationary
Practice with your pendulum until the anwers for yes, no, and don't know are strong and clear.
You may regquest that the pendulum react more stromgly and more clearly as you talk to it. ie. Louder, stronger please. Find your preferred form of questioning for divination. Some options are :
  • "Pendulum please tell me ...."
  • "Inner mind, inner mind please tell me ......"
  • "Spirit Guides please tell me ...."
  • "Higher Self please tell me ...."
  • "Lord of the pendulum please tell me ...."

Ok! Pendulums at the ready!
First bless (cleanse) your pendulum.
This is simply showing respect to the Universe for its guidance.
Hold the pendulum and wait until it is perfectly still.
Now ask the pendulum, .... please tell me the answer for yes.
If necessary keep repeating the question until the pendulum begins to swing strongly.
Now you have your yes answer.
Repeat the procedure to obtain your answers for no and don't know.
Practice until your answers are coming strong and clear. If the pendulum decides it has had enough ie. indistinct or no answers, put it away until later.
Once you are getting clear answers, try it out on some questions to which you know the answers.
Now we are ready to use our pendulum for divination. As with all methods of prediction, you must be prepared to accept the answer,whether you like it or not!
In fact the pendulum does not fail to give correct answers, it is FONT color="#8B008B">our minds trying to influence outcomes giving confusing signals.
You will achieve an accuracy with your pendulum better than 80 percent and can be as high as 100 percent.
Your questions must be :
      • Simple
      • Clear
      • direct
      • Unambiguous
If necessary break you question down into a number of simpler questions. If you are in any doubt as to the accuracy of an answer, try asking the question(s) in another form.
Do not use negative or double negative questions or any other forms of trick questioning as they will not give results.
Possibly one of the greater benefits of using the pendulum for divination is that it teaches us to frame questions in a clear and precise manner - to analyze and simplify situations and desires.
If you are working on personal problems, say trying to dig out a buried trauma, first ask the pendulum if it can find the problem.
If the answer is yes, then structure your questions to zero in on the event.

The pendulum is often very helpful in finding something your have mis-placed, (nothing is lost until you begin to look for it).
Some things - the winner of a horse race, the lottery numbers etc. are generally out of bounds.
You are competing with many vested interests and may be infringing on all sorts of free will using the pendulum for such purposes.
Likewise, the occurrence of future events, ie. "Will such and such happen in my life"? can be problematical because you have free will to alter your course.
Dowsing - using the pendulum for finding water, minerals or places on a map are an extension of divination. Once you can use a pendulum you can usually at least dowse for water, although my personal preference for finding water is using the dowsing rods.
Another use for the pendulum is its usefulness as an Applied Kinesiology tool.
The answers a kinesiologist gets by testing your body's responses to questions and stimuli, can be produced just as well by your pendulum. One word of caution though, any attempt at self diagnosis requires the knowledge to make that diagnosis.

Once you become proficient using your pendulum, you will notice that the answer to your question has popped into your mind as soon as you ask the question, before the pendulum has a chance to react.
This is where we are headed. Your intuition has at that point become clear and ever present, and you have achieved the level where - when you find the question, you know the answer.
One alternative to using the pendulum, is to use your whole body as a divination tool. There are, after all, situations where is is inconvenient to get out your pendulum to sort something out. If you let your body sway very slightly back and forth for yes and side to side for no, you can have a pendulum wherever you go.

Seeing Auras

Seeing Auras

All living things have Auras!
People animals, plants and even the earth itself. Some people have always been able to see a faint glow of light around other people and just take it for granted, although the majority of people have lost this ability as they have grown out of childhood.
Thanks to Kirlian photography most people now generally accept that auras do actually exist. However, unless you can actually see them, this knowledge is of no use to you.
So how do you see them?
The first hurdle to seeing is the 'seeing is believing' syndrome:-
If you have never seen one, then you won't believe that you can.
If you don't believe you can see one, then you will be unable be able to see one!! - Catch 22!

To initially see your first aura, there are a few tips which are helpful :
  • Firstly, the light level in the room should be low and your eyes should have become accustomed to the low light level. (Iris wide open).

  • Secondly a distance of about two to three metres (six to nine feet), is preferable.

  • The subject may be either your own reflection in a mirror or someone else.

  • Do not look directly at the subject. look past and into the distance.

  • You will perceive a faint 'glow' or 'energy field' around the subject.

  • The moment you first see (perceive) this field you will automatically try to focus on it and lose it.

What you are learning to do is perceive an energy field using your peripheral vision.
Forget all the stuff you have read about huge glows and rainbow colors at this point.
Some people do and some people don't.
Some people see their first energy field at the first sitting and others have to try different lighting conditions, backgrounds and situations.
Try using a red light. Our eyes are very sensitive at this wavelength.
If you don't succeed immediately, hang in there. Sooner or later you will see one.
Once your have seen your first energy field, your consciousness makes the switch from maybe to yes!!
Your first sighting may be the etheric-field which is close to the skin.
You may think you are seeing a parallax distortion, close one eye and if the effect remains it is not parallax distortion.
Seeing these energy fields is a skill which requires practice, practice, practice!
Practice wherever you are, in all light conditions and gradually your perceptions of energy fields will sharpen.
What you see will depend on the sensitivity of your eyes.
Some people are far more sensitive than others, so your experience will be personal.
It is possible to see ones own aura in a mirror, in fact learning to see your own aura is good practice when learning.
Personal experience note : Be aware that as you concentrate to see peoples energy field during the day, they will think you are staring at them. In some societies this is considered unacceptable.
Learning to see energy fields is an exercise in psychic sensitivity. The usefulness of actually seeing them, (unless you are a psychic healer), is the sensitivity of perception which it brings.
This in turn opens further doors to your psychic ability.

A similar procedure called overshadowments comprises looking at pictures of faces in low light in the manner that you would look at auras. You will see the faces change as ghosts/spirits reveal themselves.
Seeing "ghosts" and other non-corporeal spirits is also a function of the ability to see energy fields.

Cleansing Your Aura
The process of cleansing (compacting) your aura is one of clearing your body/mind/spiritual connection.
It goes like this :
  • Massage your third eye with the fingertips of your dominant hand whilst repeating the following affirmation :
    • In the name of *(whatever you hold to be sacred) I cleanse my body and soul!
  • Place the fingertips of both hands on your third eye, now draw them over the top of your head and down to the nape of your neck, then away from your body.
  • Shake your hands vigorously as if shaking water off your hands.
  • Again run your fingertips from the third eye to the nape of your neck, away and shake.
  • Starting at the temples, now pass the palms of your hands over your whole head, then shake out.
  • Thats it!
Feels refreshing and cleansing, doesn't it?
I perform this little ritual before meditating, saying affirmations and in fact before performing any spiritual exercise.
*My personal affirmation is "In the name of Jesus Christ" ....., simply because I was raised in a Judeo Christian tradition.

Reading Tarot Cards

Reading Tarot Cards

Reading tarot cards is the more complex of the divination/prophecy arts.
However it is one of the most fulfilling.
In fact for many people, it is a complete way of life!
If you have been reading my articles on Psychic Ability , you should (at least) have recognized your sense of intuition, if not the ability to "see".
More about the term "see" a little later.
Tarot cards are many things to many people.
To someone without a developed psychic sense they are a means of divinaton by following the specific meaning of the cards.
As such they will still obtain a useful and accurate reading.
However in the hands of a skilled psychic reader, the tarot cards are little short of a magic wand.
Indeed, the art of reading tarot cards is often used by psychic teachers as the best method of expanding a persons intuitive and psychic abilities.

      I have gone to some lengths to de-mystify reading Tarot cards for the purposes of this site.
      The amount of mystique you wish to apply to the art of reading Tarot Cards is up to you.
      For some people the Tarot is literally a magic wand, whilst for others they are simply a tool to prompt the intuition.

The Tarot Deck.
There are a huge number of different styles of tarot decks.
However, all modern tarot decks will conform to the following pattern.
  • There are a total of 78 cards in the pack.
  • The pack consists of two sections :
    • The Major Arcana comprising 22 trump cards.
    • The Minor Arcana comprising 56 cards in 4 suites.
    • The suites are :

      • Wands (Rods,Batons)
      • Cups
      • Swords
      • Pentacles (Coins)
    • Each suite is similar to normal playing cards (ace to ten), with the addition of an extra court (face) card, the Page.
    • The playing card equivialents to the Tarot suites are :

      • Wands ..... Clubs
      • Cups ........ Hearts
      • Swords ..... Spades
      • Pentacles . Diamonds
The Rider-Waite deck is regarded as the de-facto 'standard' for modern tarot decks.
Many tarot readers begin with this pack before progressing to a deck of their own preference.
(My personal preference for reading Tarot Cards in a professional capacity been the 'Aquarian' deck).

    Note :
      The Tarot is a portal to the psychic realm.
      It is not a game!
      As you embark on a course of tarot reading you are entering the psychic's realm.
      Expect to attract unusual and odd coincidences and events to yourself.

To begin reading Tarot Cards.
First obtain your tarot deck**.
** Note : I have included the entire Rider-Waite deck in the following pages.
In addition, I have included a handy Tarot Card Meaning locator page.

If you are going to be reading tarot cards professionally it is said that you should be presented with the pack.
Personally, I feel that if you feel attracted to a particular pack you should purchase it.
In any case, the style of your first pack should be one which appeals to you - after all you and these cards are going to spend a lot of time together.
The first step is to familiarize yourself with the cards. At first there will seem to be so many, however the tarot deck is surprisingly logical and not as daunting as it first appears.
As you examine the cards, you will find that some appear to be quite attractive, and some appear to be Ugh!
Good - You are starting to relate to the cards.
Now separate the deck into its major and minor arcana sections.
Arrange the major arcana into order, they are numbered by roman numerals from 0 (The Fool) through to XXI (The World)
Examine each of the major Arcana cards one by one and read the meaning.
There is no need to learn the explanations by rote, however you do need to develop a good impression of the meaning of the card and the relevance of each of its items.
Familiarity with each card is the best I can explain it.
Notice first the most obvious element of the card, now notice the least obvious element.
The least obvious element will probably change for each diffrent reading, and as such is an important indicatior.
Somewhere between the explanation of each card and your own impressions you will reach your own understanding of each card.
If you can create a story-line for each card by using your imagination it will help to explain the application of each card.
After all, when you are actually doing a reading, it is your imagination which is the channel for your psychic impressions.
Note :- your understanding is what is important here. What the card means to you over-rides all else.
During my explanations, my preferred term for the person who the reading is for is the subject.
However, in some instances I have used the terms the person,client or seeker.
All are interchangeable.
The traditional term "Querent" (one who queries), is normally used to represent the person receiving the reading.
However my preferences are for "Subject" or "Client".

Major Arcana Meanings

Now repeat this familiarization for each of the the Minor Arcana suites after reading the Minor Arcana overview which will put each of the suites into perspective.

Minor Arcana Overview

    Suite or Cups

    Suite of Swords

    Suite of Wands

    Suite of Pentacles
Card Meaning Locator
Use this handy Tarot Card meaning locator to select and find your Tarot card meanings.